Anna Reikher


Anna's passion for art started during early childhood in was Russia where she was born, grew upin Israel, then moved to Italy where she currently lives. Her parents are also from different origins, so she has never felt tied to onenationality, giving her a worldly lifestyle and adapting to many different cultures.

 Anna's a

rt reflects her different artistictraditions from various cultures, without being bound to a specific one, which gives freedom to her creativity.


She started experimenting with 3D printed jewelry, realizing it was the perfectmatch to create her own unique designs, while being able to make complex shapes and fine details. Her pieces are crafted using handmade drawings and digital sculpting, which she prototypes  in her studio in Milan. Her final creations are 3D printed in a process which combines the technology of 3D printing with the traditional wax casting technique, developed by humans thousands of years ago.

Her jewelry tells a story that reflects her experiences and the things she loves, including animals and often frogs in her work. Anna is fascinated by their anatomy ,which isvery human-like  and lets her easily manipulate and position them in oftensurreal compositions. She sees frogsas a symbol of change and free spirit, being naturally flexible creatures thatjump from place to place. Frogs adapt themselves to new challenges and spendtheir life in constant movement, reflecting on her life experiences of living and adapting to different cultures. Nature for her is the perfect place to find inner peace and concentration.The more she spends time in nature, the more she becomes influenced by its beauty and the more creative she becomes reflected in her jewels.