Pithagorean, a studio based in Laguna Niguel, California, is inspired by Pi and the Pythagorean theorem, whose works convey the relationship between individuals and communities. Circles (Pi) and triangles (Pythagorean) express the beauty of balance and unity with lines representing universal connections. The connections could be among individuals or links to other aspects of our lives, both of which define who we really are. Precious metal, casting resin, processed wood, and fine strings articulate the essence and multi-dimensionality of each work. Each piece is seamlessly fused with personality and intimacy for a contemporary yet timeless look. 

Zhenwei Chu is a contemporary jewelry designer and maker who studied Metals and Jewelry Design in School of Jewellery in the United Kingdom and Rochester Institute of Technology in the United States. Since she graduated from the Master of Metals and Jewelry Design program at RIT, she has been participating in various high-profile juried craft shows, including the Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show and American Craft Council show. In 2018, She set up a studio, Pithagorean, to keep exploring her work.

As a Chinese designer who spends years studying and creating under different cultures, these profound experiences shape how she views art. The endurance and diligence originated from the traditional Chinese culture build up her persistence in exploring art. Moreover, her academic experience both in Britain and America enable her to think independently and inspirationally. The passion that comes from the process of exploration and innovation motivates her to create, to change, to optimize. The process of turning an idea to an actual artwork contributes most to the value of her art career. Zhenwei currently lives in Southern California and endeavor to uncover the ultimate beauty of geometry.